Who We Are, What We Do, What We Believe, Characteristics

Who We Are

We have a passion for people, our town and our world. Our culture and leadership is characterized by our desire to chase after Jesus as hard as we can. We do this in the ways that He has uniquely equipped us as individuals and a community. These core values have been shaped by our rich history; always pressing forward in our call to love God and love others.

What We Do

Motivation - Because God first loved us...

Mission - Love God, Love Others

Vision - Build communities in Southwestern CT where people come to know and grow in Jesus in a way that draws others to do the same                    

Unique Kingdom Contribution - Meet people where they are and help them move closer to Jesus

Model - look UP, lean IN, reach Out

What We Believe

Statement of Faith


There is only one true God who is eternal and in charge and in control of all things. Now, here's the mystery: God exists in three "persons": the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is what is known as the Trinity. (Matthew 28:19; John 10:30) 


The second person of the Trinity, the Son, is Jesus Christ. Even though His very nature is God, He came to earth and took on a human nature as well by a miraculous conception and a virgin birth. Now, this is crucial: Nobody is perfect. We have all done stuff that goes against what God wants us to do. The good news is that Jesus chose to take on the punishment that we deserved. He died in our place to pay for our wrong doings. Now, all we have to do is accept and believe in what Jesus did for us. That will allow us to be reunited with God. That's it. God made it simple. We don't earn God's forgiveness by doing good things. Jesus already paid the price. But that is not the end of the story: On the third day after He died, He came back to life and then went up to heaven. If we believe in Him, we too will have a new life and be able to live eternally in heaven. (John 1:1, 14; Ephesians 2:8-9)

Holy Spirit

The third person of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit. When we accept what Jesus did for us, the Holy Spirit comes and starts living inside of us. Having Him inside of us is actually a good thing. Also, He doesn't have to leave one person to be in another. He can actually live inside each one of us at the same time. So, why is this a good thing? The Holy Spirit empowers us to meet the challenges of life, gives us gifts that we can use to help other people, and comforts us in times of need. (John 14:15-17; 1 Corinthians 12:4-7)

The Bible

We believe the Bible really is the "word" of God. He didn't actually sit down and write it, but He inspired specific people to write down the things that He really wanted us to know; therefore, we consider it completely reliable. There is no other writing out there that was inspired by God in the same way. The Bible holds the unique, full, and final say on everything having to do with our faith and the way we live our lives. (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21)

This statement is intentionally brief. For a more detailed explanation of where Crossroads lands doctrinally please refer to the Lausanne Covenant

In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity. St. Augustine.



A place to belong based on Joy & Love

A multigenerational family

“Small enough to care, big enough to dare” - Mike Breen

Intentional at building relational skills that lead to health and maturity

Intentional sacrificial investment in the lives of others

Hybrid - We live and worship in both physical and digital spaces