We have a new membership process - to find out more attend one of our upcoming classes.

Crossroads Membership Class

Our next membership class details are below

New dates in 2023 coming soon.

Light refreshments provided

Childcare available during class.

To register for class please fill in the form below.

Membership Covenant

A MEMBER is someone committed and accountable to Jesus and the Crossroads community. Members help each other live life with Jesus in a way that draws others to do the same.


We are all helping each other pursue our personal & community relationships with Jesus. 

That is why we exist. (Col. 3:15-17)


We agree on the big pieces (Statement of Faith and Preferred Future) and charitably disagree on the smaller pieces. God has it all perfectly figured out, but we don't. (Romans 14:19)


We commit to participation in the local body because the body cannot function without all its different parts doing their job. We work as a team. (1 Cor 12)


We commit to accountability to God, each other, and church leadership. We value authenticity & transformation. (Proverbs 27:17, Heb. 13:17)


We can expect the leadership to pursue even greater levels of accountability and transparency. 

(1 Peter 5:1-4)

Benefits of Membership

I am not alone - the rest of the membership is with me, is for me and desires to see my relationship with Jesus grow. 


Knowledge of expectations - I can only reasonably fulfill those expectations communicated to me and agreed upon.


We are each necessary - in offering my gifts and talents to the community, I increase the capacity of Crossroads. I have access to this capacity, which is also expanded by other members.


I can count on others to remind me whom Jesus created me to be and how to be the kind of person, on my best day and my worst, who calls Crossroads home.

Membership Process (after May 15th, 2022)

A Members meeting(s) will be held inviting new members to attend and commit to membership. A date(s) will be confirmed for Summer 2022.

At any time other than Membership meetings, a person interested in membership will be invited to a coffee conversation with a pastor or elder. 

Current Mission Partners have the choice of continuing as Members under the new process or opting out. Mission Partners will automatically become Members unless we are informed of the choice to opt out.

Members will sign a Statement of Agreement to the Membership Covenant (see above.)

Members will be invited to attend Membership meetings as well as special business meetings (1-3 times per year.)