Please find Spiritual Practice Resources here!

Spiritual Practices

For the last year at Crossroads we have been introducing our community to Spiritual Practices. These are short exercises that help us slow down, fix our eyes on Jesus and reorient our hearts.

Below is a bank of videos and resources from the practices we have covered in our Sunday worship services. Some videos contain explanation of the Spiritual Practice along with one of our leaders leading through the practice, some are self explanatory meditation (scripture and prayer) prompts.

We have compiled this page with the hope that our community (YOU!) will return to it often as we grow in our understanding and adoption of Spiritual Practices.

The Lord’s Prayer
Gratitude Practice
Rest Practice
Scripture Meditation
Praying Scripture (Psalm 42:1-5)

ACTS One Word Prayers

Each slide - Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication (i.e. Requests) will scroll for 15 secs. Take time to offer one word prayers to God in each section.

ACTS One Word Prayers